shun okubo the story


I would like to make a few notes about SHUN OKUBO’s earring (pierced) series, BEHIND THE MASK.

At the time of release, there was a model using Φ8.0 mm Akoya pearls, but the current item is a design using materials such as Φ6.0 mm freshwater pearls, onyx and agate. This item is one of SHUN OKUBO’s long-selling items, with diamond-encrusted square pillars and golden-ratio square plates arranged to hide the sphere of the main body. The name BEHIND THE MASK was given to the item because of the act of “hiding the sphere”, as the name implies, and BEHIND THE MASK is also the title of a famous song by the music group YMO. It was first recorded on YMO’s album SOLID STATE SURVIVOR, released in 1979, and was based on a song created entirely by hand by the late Ryuichi Sakamoto for a Seiko commercial. Therefore, “BEHIND THE MASK” is also a representative song of YMO and Ryuichi Sakamoto, and it was and still is a great honour for SHUN OKUBO that someone related to Mr Sakamoto purchased this item before.

The design of the concealed sphere was intended to express the Japanese sense of aesthetics, the depths of the Japanese sense of beauty, the anecdote of Plato listening from behind the curtain, and the image of the hidden Buddha, whose inside can never be seen. We have heard the Japanese say that they find the divine in the “presence”, and it can be said that the design incorporates the “presence” that stimulates our aesthetic sense.

Along with BRANCUSI and LOUISE BOURGEOIS, Ryuichi Sakamoto is an artist who has had a great influence on SHUN OKUBO, and I am sure that his story will often appear in THE STORY in the future, but today I feel something like relief that I am able to write about BEHIND THE MASK. I feel a kind of relief to be able to write about BEHIND THE MASK today.

We have this item in shop, so if you are in the area, we would be very happy if you could visit our shop.


SHUN OKUBOのイヤリング(ピアス)シリーズ、BEHIND THE MASKについて少しだけ記しておこうと思います。

リリース時はφ8.0mmのアコヤパールを使用したモデルもありましたが、Φ6.0mmの淡水パール、オニキス、瑪瑙などの素材を使用したデザインが現行のアイテムとなっています。ダイヤモンドがついた角柱や、黄金比の四角いプレートが本体の球体を隠すように配置されたこのアイテムは、SHUN OKUBOのロングセラーアイテムの一つです。その名の通り”球体を隠す”という行為からBEHIND THE MASKという名前が与えられたのですが、『BEHIND THE MASK』というのは音楽グループのYMOの名曲のタイトルでもあります。初収録は1979年にリリースされたYMOのアルバム『SOLID STATE SURVIVOR』で、これは故坂本龍一がセイコーのCM曲としてすべて手弾きで作成した曲がベースとなっているそうです。故に、YMOの代表曲でもあり、坂本龍一の代表的な楽曲でもある『BEHIND THE MASK』ですが、以前、坂本さんの関係者の方がこのアイテムを購入してくださったことは、今でもSHUN OKUBOにとって大変光栄な出来事でした。


BRANCUSI,LOUISE BOURGEOISと並び、SHUN OKUBOに多大な影響を与えたアーティストである坂本龍一の話は、今後このTHE STORYにしばしば登場すると思いますが、本日はBEHIND THE MASKの話を書かせて頂くことができたことに、何か安堵のようなものを感じています。



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